Teaching a group of women how to produce
my topic was yogurt making, as that is my specialty here in Kenya. I brought along a student colleague who is also a Food and Nutrition student at JKUAT. As the event was being held at a church the meetings are to incorporate a spiritual aspect. At first it seemed like a stretch to use yogurt as a biblical lesson, but with thought, there can be quite an illustration in the Christian context. I find it easier to teach a lesson when there is something comparable that the audience can relate to. We also taught the basics of food safety and how vital it is to our health and food preparation. When we went over the process of proper hand washing it felt like we were insulting our audience. But it is such a vital step in proper food handling that is often missed simply because it is assumed everyone knows how! Although this was not probiotic yogurt, it was something these women can try at home and share with their friends and family.
Just some tips we shared with the women:
• Make plain yogurt so that you are in control of the amount of sugar (most yogurt in Kenya is not artificially sweetened like Canada)
• Add fresh or dried fruit to plain yogurt rather than sugar
• Use plain low fat yogurt instead of sour cream in cooking dishes
Why eat probiotic yogurt anyway? Well, here are just a few reasons:
• Rich in protein and calcium
• Assist in alleviating diarrhea
• Restore gastrointestinal micro flora after taking antibiotics
• Alleviates vaginitis which as an infection that increases the risk of HIV contraction
• Boost immune function
• And much more!
Children of the women in class enjoying our yogurt! |
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